2014 Newsletter



Spring 2013  Editor:  David Farran,   P O Box 825,   Waverly, IA   50677,  email: bream243@q.com

 The Twenty-Fifth Fifty Plus Reunion For Waverly High School Alumni


The Fourth Fifty Plus Reunion For Waverly – Shell Rock High School Alumni


2014 Reunion at CENTRE            


The 2014 Fifty Plus Reunion will be Saturday the 13th of Sept, 2014 (Second Saturday after Labor Day), at The CENTRE, located on the South end of town on the East side of Highway 218 and North of the Hy-Vee Store.

To the Class of 1963

As you know, our class will be hosting the 50 Plus Reunion that will be held on September 13, 2013.  Some of you signed up to assist with the many things that need to be done to make this a success.  Our core committee is working on planning this event but will need help with setting up, decorating, greeting, clean up, etc. on that weekend.

We look forward to hosting this fun event for past graduates of WSR.


Class of 1954


Members of the Class of 1954: Plans are being made for an observance of the 60th Anniversary of your Waverly HS Graduation in conjunction with the 50 Plus Reunion.


Watch your mail for details.




Inviting The Class of 1964



SEPT 12th & 13th,  2014

Greetings classmates,

This is our 50th class reunion & we will be joining the WSR 50 Plus Reunion

 Schedule of Events:                  

•        Friday, September 12th @ 1:00PM - Golf outing at the Waverly Golf and Country Club (payable at the Pro Shop)

•        Friday, September 12th @ 5:00 PM - The class of ’64 reunion at the Waverly Golf & Country Club for grilled hamburgers ($15/person)

•        Saturday, September 13th @ 9:00 AM - The 50 Plus Reunion social hour and 12:00 Lunch will take place at The Centre

•        Saturday, September 13th @ 5:00 PM – The class of ’64 reunion for hors d’oeuvres at the Waverly Golf & Country ($10/person)

(We will be inviting the class of 1963 in appreciation for sponsoring our class.)


I have spent several hours trying to clean up our 1400 mailing address roster and think I have eliminated the double addresses, by that I mean having a mailing label made for both the husband and wife. This usually happened when they were in different classes.  Won’t swear to having gotten all of them, so if you get two copies at your address and really don’t need two, please let me know, thanks.

David Farran

WSR 50 Plus Website

In an attempt to establish more timely communications with the 50 Plus Classmates I established a website wsr50plus.net for the Class Reunion. It went live before the 2013 Reunion but hasn’t attracted much attention!


The newsletter is a one-time announcement for the next reunion, I feel we should have two way communications, i.e. a way that you can contact me and/or the other members of the committee and we can inform you of any changes pertaining to the reunion and also ask your opinion with reference to proposed modifications, additions, deletions, etc.


We have had the wsr50plus.net  website in operation for nearly a year. BUT only 138 of the over 1300 eligible classmates have joined the site.  This letter will be adding the Class of 1964 known members which will add about another 150 to that list.


Unless we can get more than 10.2% of the potential members to join and use the site I don’t feel it is worth the effort and/or cost to maintain the site. I know that some of the older classmates do not have internet access, but many of them do and the classes that are coming on board each year have a much higher percentage of internet users. So the website use should grow faster.

To look at the website and then hopefully join it: go to wsr50plus.net and look around.


If you have any security concerns about the website please contact me, it is VERY SECURE. Members can send emails to each other through the site, but a member cannot get your email address from that email, it will have your name on it but not your email address.


For now I will leave classmates deaths listed in the In Memorial Section of the website. So the list will not stare over each year like the one in the newsletter does.


Sorry about the editorial page here, will try to get back to local pictures and articles about Waverly in the 2015 News Letter. 




Possible Discussion Topics

  1. Do you think that the 50 plus should always be a one day affair?
  2. Would you rather expand it to 2 or 3 days every 5 years, i.e. in 2010, 2015  etc?
  3. What changes would you like to see, either specific changes like starting time, date, location or general changes, more of a program, allow classes to have more input, etc.
  4. Maybe I would include a list by class of returned mail and see if anyone has current contact information.
  5. Remember that as a member you can ask questions or post information on the site.
  6. Many of these subjects could be handled as just an email exchange but that makes it difficult to include very many people in the discussion. Having the discussion on the website lets a lot more people get involved, even if they don’t actively participate they can keep up with the discussions.

7.You may want to try to locate a classmate that you have lost contact with, one way to ask for a lot of classmates to help is to post a request on the website.

8.In the Message Center you can compose an email and with one click send it to all your classmates that are members of the site. Ask questions about a possible class event at the 50 Plus or on some other date, etc.

9.There are a couple of 50 plus classes that I know of that have websites out there already, perhaps there are more.  If we know about them we can post a link to their websites on our site, but someone needs to let us know about them.

10.In summary, the website has tremendous potential but it is severely limited if classmates do not become members.

11. We will keep the website going for another year and then see if it is functional enough to warrant the expense and effort required to keep it up.

12.Do you want the names In Memory list to stay?

13.What do you think?


Departed Alumni

Deaths of 50 Plus Classmates since the last reunion.  Sometimes Eternal Roster Dates are from earlier years but we were not aware of them until recently.  


Eternal Roster additions for 2013


Eternal Roster Date




Arlene Buhrow Meyer



Ralph Juhl



Robert Miller



Ethel Mae Kirkland Skea



Beverly Goslin Schroeder



John Droste



Ed Neuman



Virginia Mae Gulden



Lorraine Heyer Scherburne



Gene Hallman



Janette Ressler Roettjer



Wilma Brase Cooley



Norma Eggleston Creger



Elizabeth Martin



Donna Krause Oberheu



Roger Hesse



LaVern Tiedt



Marilyn Walther Oberheu



Gary Boorom



Harold Asmus



Marlys Garbus Beekel



Delores Benker



David Lindroth



Elaine Roloff Erich



Judy Kohlman Loffler



Dave Rowray



Judy Winkelman Miller

Address Information

Please forward any information acquired during the year pertaining to Waverly or Waverly Shell Rock Graduates from 50 years ago or more.  I would rather get the same information several times than not get it at all.  As the incoming classes get larger the mailing list also gets larger and every incorrect mailings cost us (YOU) at LEAST $0.50 for the post office to tell us the address is not correct!


Send update information to: David Farran, P O Box 825, Waverly, Iowa, 50677 or email it to bream243@q.com  or call me:

H (319) 352-1015 / C (319) 269 7389   


50 Plus Committee

The General Committee for the 50 Plus Reunion consists of: JoAnn Strottman (62), David Farran (55), Nancy Zimmerman (59), Joyce Schmidt (63) and Sharon Abrams (60). David Farran is the newsletter editor and Sharon Abrams is the Treasure.


If you would like to be part of the Committee notify any current member. We would like to add more classmates from the 60’s but that is NOT a requirement for membership!

ALL Classes

Please stop by the Website Table and check in with me when you are at the reunion.


I want to create a class contact list for all the member classes, basically what I need there is the name of the person(s) that keep track of the class members contact information, mailing addresses and email addresses if they have them.


Any Suggestions?

If you have any suggestions pertaining to the 50 Plus Reunion such as additional items or events, or modifications to the current format, the creation of an internet option, etc. please contact any of the 50 Plus Reunion Committee Members listed at the top of this column.


We want to make your reunion what you want it to be, but unless you communicate with us we don’t know what your preferences are.


Constructive feedback always requested!



David Farran – Newsletter Editor


Graduates Plus 50

Waverly-Shell Rock Community Schools

1415 - 4th Avenue S.W.

Waverly, IA 50677

(Address page)

Dear Alumni,


          It’s my pleasure to greet you as the superintendent of the Waverly-Shell Rock Community Schools. I am truly thrilled and honored to be able to serve in this capacity. I assumed this position July 1, 2013, upon the retirement of Jere Vyverberg. I have enjoyed my time here thus far and have found the people associated with the school system to be very helpful and, more importantly, to have the best interests of our students at heart.

          My arrival is not the only new development for our school district. By mid-summer we will be able to move into a new addition to our high school, which will include four classrooms and new office space. This addition also serves as a safe room for the students and staff in that building. Another change is that we have just recently sold two properties. The site of the former Irving School property has been sold to the city of Waverly, and the old junior high building has been sold to a developer. What ultimately happens to these spaces we don’t know, but it’s good that someone else can make use of them.

          In addition to sharing this bit of current information regarding the district, I’d like to encourage you to attend the 50+ reunion that takes place in September. I was able to spend just a short time there last fall, and it was clear that those in attendance thoroughly enjoyed getting connected with other alumni.





Ed Klamfoth