Waverly-Shell Rock
High School
Classes Of 1925 - 1973
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Robert Abbas
Lavern Anhalt
Richard Arends
Jerry Baker
Shirley Bantz (Crawford)
Robert “Bob” Bast
Leland Belding
Joanne Benning (Milius)
Larry Bogan
Norita Bolin (Walsh)
Eugene Borochoff
Mildred Brandt (Stromer)
Lowell Busch
Judith Butzlaff (Fasse)
Donna Carlson (Osborn)
Mary Lou Carver (Kelly)
Dick Chellevold
Edwin W. Chesnut
Sheryl Chestnut (Hartman)
Shirley DeBower (Schaefer)
Gene “Bud” Dietz
Gene Droste
Ruth Eifert (Kobliska)
Audrey Fails (Smith)
David Farran
Victor Fasse
Mary Fowler (Prendergast)
Robert Gambaiani
Barbara Garner (Kinley)
Robert Garrett
Delores Hackenwerd (Bock)
Leonard Harrington
Dr. Herman Hein
Marlys Heine (Richmann)
Roger Hildebrandt
Laverne Hoeper
Howard Hof
Gary Hullinger
James Illian
Judy Ingersoll (Oberhelman)
Shirley Iverson (Schutte)
Rtyui Jl;'l
Richard Juhl
Barbara Kaiser (Olson)
William "Bill" Kobliska
Janis Koelling (Kaiser)
Ron Koopman
Dorothy Korte (Nolte)
Ronald Kratchmer
Donald "Don" Larson
Janet Larson (Zastrow)
Paul Liebau
Ella Mae Lindner (Depenbusch)
Ronald Lindner
Mary A. Lynch (Dietz)
Patricia “Patti” Marsh (Cagle)
Ralph McInroy
James Meyers
John Monaghan
David Mueller
Roberta Muensterman (Higgins)
David Narraf
Edward Niewohner
Gordon Nolte
Richard Oberheu
William "Bill" Ormston
Merlin Orth
Mary Pablo (Thornburg)
Joan Pape (Loslo)
Bob Peterson
Marion Redick (Peterson)
Roxy Renn (Metzger)
Betty Ressler (Smith)
Dale Saathoff
Roger Schield
Jo Shepard (Lahr)
Elwyn Shipp
Donald “Don” Soldwisch
Alice Steege (DeVine)
Roy Stille
Dixie Stufflebeam (Saathoff)
Rev. Gene Thiemann
Mary Thoms
LaVern Tiedt
Marna Ward (Donner)
Dr. Gilbert Wessel
Donald White
Dean Wilkens
Douglas Yarger
Marlys Yockstick (Kleinschmidt)
Lois Zimmermann (Scharnhorst)